Posts tagged Thyroid Health
Grain-Free Tabbouli !

I take the making of my salads and the eating of my salads very seriously.  Just as seriously as I take the making of my daily coffee and the taking of that very first sip.  It's important stuff.  It can make or break my day.

When it comes to tabbouli - It needs to stuffed full of parsley and so full of lemon that it makes my cheeks draw in.  No exceptions.

What I love about this grain in sight.

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Coco-Banana Pots


Bonjour mes amis!


If you’ve been following my adventures on Instagram, you’ll know I’ve been frolicking in France for the past month.  Spending my days walking for miles and eating my body weight in French food.


Now I’m back. 


Well, my physical body is anyway.


I set out on this latest holiday with an open mind (and heart), knowing that France does not lead the world in gluten, sugar and dairy free food options (baguettes, French butter and fromage…hello!).  Surprisingly, they are definitely growing in this area, something I had never noticed on my past visits.



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Beets + Thyroid

I truly believe that healing your body requires more than simply taking a few pills or herbs.  I believe it requires a complete overhaul of your body, mind and spirit.  


When it was first discovered that I had a thyroid issue, I was automatically put on conventional pharmaceutical thyroid medication by my doctor, and at the time, I felt sooo much better.  The swelling in my thyroid went down and the symptoms disappeared.  To be honest with you, at the time, I thought that was it.  Done and dusted.  I was fine.


And then a year later the symptoms all came back.  Tenfold!

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Blackberries + Paris


Blackberries.  I've not found them to be so plump, sweet and berry like in flavour than the one's I enjoy when in France.


Big, juicy blackberries where the little pips get stuck in your teeth and the juice dribbles down your chin, staining your lips.


So what to do with the extra basic raw chocolate you've just made?


You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know where I'm going with this....yep, add in a blackberry!

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Au Revoir Parasites



I’d like to introduce you to Boris and Boris Jnr.


They’ve recently joined my life.


Perhaps you’re already acquainted with the Boris’ but know them by their more common names of Dientamoeba Fragilis and Blastocystis Hominis.  Two microscopic parasites that are found in the intestinal tract of humans.  And right at this very minute, they’re paying me a very unwelcomed visit.


I’m not happy!


Although as I say those 3 words, I also have to admit to you that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  This icky news has actually given me an answer AND with it, an opportunity to finally fix the problems I'm having . 


These parasites could potentially be the root cause of my developing Hashimoto’s.  Holy cow!

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Raw Organic Cacao + 4 Recipes


Well hello there lovelies,


Tell me something.  Are you feeling a little sluggish now that Winter has been with us for a little while? 


Perhaps you’ve been experiencing fatigue, apathy, insomnia and irritability?


Maybe craving a little more energy in your life, pep in your step, clarity and focus?


My hands are in the air….hell yeah!


Can I also ask, have you perhaps thought it might simply be due to a lack of Magnesium in your diet?  Hunh!

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Seedy Square Treats

So no grains and legumes, huh!


No problemo.  I've been off gluten for over a year now and kicked refined sugar to the curb over 2 years ago.  Grains and legumes.  Easy peasy.


And then I thought about it.


I thought about the brown rice I have cooked and frozen in my freezer for emergency meals.  I thought about the simple mid-week meal I often whip up of roasted pumpkin and chickpeas.  I thought about how I use white beans as a simple quick "mash" instead of cooking up potatoes. And I also thought about the lentil salads I loved, especially when using my favourite legume of all...du puy lentils.


Holy cow!  To say I'm now overwhelmed is an understatement.

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My Gratitude Practice



The Quality Of Being Thankful; Readiness To Show Appreciation For And To Return Kindness.



So my journey with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis to date has been to put it frankly, a f**king pain in the arse!


It’s affected EVERY single part of my life.


It’s changed the way I cook, eat and stock my pantry.  It’s changed my social life and it has COMPLETELY changed my catering business.  The biggest change, however, has been within me.


And even though I would not wish the symptoms that come hand-in-hand with Hashimoto’s on anyone, developing this Autoimmune disease has actually been a blessing in disguise.

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IN SEASON: Cauliflower

Cauliflower.  Oh so rich in antioxidants and immune-strengthening nutrients, this humble white (and often overlooked) should never be underestimated.  Chock full of Vitamins C, K and folate as well as protein, magnesium and potassium, this veggie can actually help prevent various kinds of infections in our body as well as strengthen our defense mechanisms. 


Such a smart little veggie to be in at its peak and in season just when we need it the most…during the cold and flu months of Winter. 


One of my personal goals when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s was to try and sooth all the symptoms I was experiencing as naturally as possible through using whole organic foods.  If this is something you’re also wanting to try, then perhaps cauliflower could be your first step?  It’s such a brilliant source of dietary fiber (helping aid our digestion and our bodies to eliminate toxins), and as it protects the lining of our stomach, this miracle veggie has been shown to prevent the risk of various tummy disorders, from indigestion, hypertension and stomach ulcers right through to colon cancer. 

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Nourishing Hot Chocolate

I don’t know the facts behind this little statement, but I’m assuming this was before we bastardised raw cacao and processed it into the cocoa we know and consume today.  I could be wrong!


What I DO know, however is that this quick, nourishing and clean hot chocolate recipe, IS super good for you and your body. 


Wanna know why?

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3 Tips for a Healthy Thyroid

Suffering the horrible effects of thyroiditis?  I hear ya sista!


For me it varies, from a swollen/sore thyroid, a splitting headache and extreme lethargy to dry skin, mood swings and the desperate wanting to curl up in a ball and not interact with anyone!


Chatting about these symptoms with my everyday GP last year, I was told there was nothing I could do – this was just “how it was”.  Seriously????


So you guessed it, I started to research this fact for myself. 


 I turned to whole, organic foods and I listened to my body…very closely.  Straight away I implemented 3 simple everyday steps into my daily routine as an experiment.  So far, I haven’t looked back.  Perhaps you may also like to experiment with them?  I figure, anything is worth a shot when trying to support your healthy thyroid.

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Leaky Gut - bone broth

Did you know that eating gluten is the number one cause of a leaky gut?



We all know that gluten is a trigger for Celiac disease, but I never knew its connection with a leaky gut.  Even in a person without any gluten sensitivity,  this difficult to digest protein can still cause leaky gut.



Apart from gluten, other inflammatory foods leading to leaky gut can also include dairy, sugar and processed foods as well as an over consumption of alcohol.



I discovered this information whilst trying to figure out my own underlying triggers for Hashimoto’s, as I, like a large number of you, have been suffering constant bloating and  irritable bowel syndrome.



So what is a leaky gut, I hear you ask?

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Vitamin A + Thyroid Health


Vitamin A.  A fat soluble vitamin, which means it MUST be consumed with fat in order to have optimal absorption.


A vitamin I am sadly deficient in, as revealed by my naturopath.


Vitamin A is essential for our vision, for boosting our immune function and for giving us healthy glowing skin.  It is also needed in the production of T3 (thyroid hormone) – which is just one of the many reasons I suffer hypothyroidism symptoms (and perhaps you too?)


Did you know that without this essential vitamin, our thyroid levels can suffer?


Did you also know that there is a strong connection between vitamin A deficiency and hypothyroidism?

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Turmeric - The Super Root

Turmeric.  A powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant containing a mix of manganese, iron, vitamin B6, fiber, copper and potassium.


It's what gives curry both its flavour and yellow colour, but did you know it has also been used for thousands of years to help with numerous health conditions?   


Studies suggest that this super root helps with inflammation in our bodies, reduces tumour growth and aids in liver detox.  It helps protect our bodies against heavy metal toxicity and can also potentially benefit those of us with autoimmune thyroid conditions as a happy liver is crucial for proper thyroid hormone conversion.  

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I play the love/hate game when it comes to getting test results back.  Are you the same?

I love knowing exactly what is happening with my body (especially the why), as it gives me the opportunity to be the true Taurean that I am and run head first into finding a solution.

Sometimes, however it’s like opening a can of worms.

Needless to say, the list that’s as long as my arm received from my recent visit to my Naturopath of all the vitamins and minerals I’m severely deficient in and the list of all the vitamins, minerals and metals my body is inundated with has left me a little overwhelmed, to say the least.

So I’m taking it a step at a time and thought I’d share my finds with you, just in case you too are a little overwhelmed with it all at the moment.

So first up to the plate, is da da daaaaa…….Potassium.  

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Should you quit sugar?

Should you quit sugar?


It’s a big, and somewhat daunting question.


 Perhaps you could ask yourself this:

  • Do you get an energy slump in the afternoon?
  • Do you need something sweet after lunch and/or dinner?
  • Are you unable to eat just one slice of cake or one piece of chocolate and then walk away?
  • Do you have hypothyroidism and wonder if quitting sugar might make a difference?


 If you ticked yes to the above (I ticked yes to all!) then perhaps sugar is playing a bigger role in your health and your life than you thought.


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Pecans + Your Thyroid

Pecans.  Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, they can help decrease “bad cholesterol” and increases “good cholesterol” levels in the blood.


Seriously.  A simple nut can help do this?!


They’re also a wonderful nut to consume for those of us suffering the effects of hypothyroidism, as they’re a rich source of manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

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I have Hashimotos.  

It's an autoimmune disease that affects my thyroid gland.  That little butterfly-shaped ball located at the base of my neck where a lot of important activities take place, from controlling metabolism, female hormones and energy levels. Basically, everything that makes you feel good.

Jeez Louise!

One of the first and best things I did when I found out was to QUIT SUGAR (an absolute must, I believe, if you also have Hashimotos).  What my research has been teaching me and what my body has been telling me ever since that date is that sugar causes absolute havoc on the digestive tract, leading to “leaky gut” (a joy I’ve been dealing with for the past year) and which in turn can then trigger the development of autoimmune diseases….and round and round the cycle goes.

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Avocado + Sweet Potato


December 30, 2015 



It's no secret that I'm a fan of the cookbook Love Bake Nourish by Amber Rose, so when she released her new book Nourish, in collaboration with 2 of her talented friends, I was first in line.

Nourish is not your typical cookbook as it's split into 3 sections.  The first section (I'm being honest) is my favourite as it's filled with gorgeous fresh recipes by Amber.  The other 2 sections cover health and nourishment for the mind, body and soul.  This book gives tips, tricks, solutions and answers for getting your health back into shape, stilling your mind and just simply maintaining a positive and happy outlook.  It's simply stunning.


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My Home For The Holidays !

December 27, 2015


Christmas + the countryside = one very happy girl!

It really is pretty simple.  A house surrounded by bushland (no neighbours please!), Bing Crosby, twinkling Christmas lights and a big bowl of fresh prawns.  That's all it takes to make me forget about the working year that's been, allowing my shoulders to drop and the biggest smile to appear permanently on my face.

This is my perfect Christmas, all wrapped up with a big red bow.


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My Christmas Tart !

December 23, 2015 



3 simple words that when said apart, make me smile, but when said together, make me swoon .... Fruit.  Mince.  Tart.

In my old life, these 3 simple little single syllable words would conjure up so many good memories, making me feel comforted, happy and oh so "Christmassy".

Now, having run away from gluten and sugar, these words when said together do (if I'm being honest) bring up a little feeling of deprivation, but more so bring up feelings of sugar highs and slumps, sleepiness and foggy brain.  Not to mention a swollen thyroid!  I’m not one to say “never”, but with the knowledge I now have of how sugar affects my body, I just can’t imaging EVER consuming these little tarts that I once held in such high esteem, again.


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Christmas Cake !

December 20, 2015 



Plump, boozy dried fruit, glace cherries and nuts.  All the things I loved in the Christmas cakes of my past.  The denser and the darker the better.  Cake that would (and could) last for months (if I didn't eat it sooner).  And cake that stayed moist without the need for refrigeration.

My body and taste buds may no longer be able to tolerate these sweet fruit cakes of my youth, but I still have a need (and a desperate want) for a boozy, spicy and dense sliver of cake to sit proudly and lovingly alongside my cup of tea on Christmas day.


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Avocado + Sweet Potato

December 16, 2015

Do you ever get a food fetish where all you think, dream and eat is a particular food? 

I get it ALL the time, and at the moment my fetish is avocado.

I’m eating it like a machine. 

Breakfast, lunch and dinner - there’s no stopping me, and my favourite way of eating it is in this most delightfully, fluffy, light and zingy way….

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