Posts tagged Small Bites10
Beets + Thyroid

I truly believe that healing your body requires more than simply taking a few pills or herbs.  I believe it requires a complete overhaul of your body, mind and spirit.  


When it was first discovered that I had a thyroid issue, I was automatically put on conventional pharmaceutical thyroid medication by my doctor, and at the time, I felt sooo much better.  The swelling in my thyroid went down and the symptoms disappeared.  To be honest with you, at the time, I thought that was it.  Done and dusted.  I was fine.


And then a year later the symptoms all came back.  Tenfold!

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HOW TO: Cauliflower Rice

It's not a new concept, and it's definitely not my concept, but I'm a lover and wanted to share how mind-blowingly easy and delicious Cauliflower Rice is.


Whilst I'm currently off grains while my tummy heals (yep, even the gluten free grains), and whilst it's at its peak and in season, cauliflower rice has been a staple in my home.  Not only is it sooo good for our bodies (see here) it's been a wonderful addition to mid-week stir-frys or served alongside a slow cooked casserole made on the weekend.


However you want to eat it, it takes only two steps.


Yep, just 2!

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Nourishing Hot Chocolate

I don’t know the facts behind this little statement, but I’m assuming this was before we bastardised raw cacao and processed it into the cocoa we know and consume today.  I could be wrong!


What I DO know, however is that this quick, nourishing and clean hot chocolate recipe, IS super good for you and your body. 


Wanna know why?

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HOW TO: Make Stock

In my past life when a recipe called for stock I would simply reach into the dark depths of my pantry and pull out a stock cube.  Often a nice organic one, but a dried up little stock cube all the same.    Occasionally when feeling a little posh I would reach for the box of liquid stock.  Oh la la.


Oh how times have changed.


Now my pantry door stays firmly shut and I simply reach into my freezer and pull out a freezer bag filled with homemade organic stock.  Filled to the brim with nutrition and none of those pesky other things like preservatives, MSG, sugar and salt.


It’s super cheap to make (as I keep the bones from any roast I’ve made stored in the freezer) and I utilise whatever veggies and spices I have in my lying around in my fridge at the time.  I never have to shop for ingredients to make stock which means no stock made in my kitchen is ever a repeat of the last, and I kinda like it like that.

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Leaky Gut - bone broth

Did you know that eating gluten is the number one cause of a leaky gut?



We all know that gluten is a trigger for Celiac disease, but I never knew its connection with a leaky gut.  Even in a person without any gluten sensitivity,  this difficult to digest protein can still cause leaky gut.



Apart from gluten, other inflammatory foods leading to leaky gut can also include dairy, sugar and processed foods as well as an over consumption of alcohol.



I discovered this information whilst trying to figure out my own underlying triggers for Hashimoto’s, as I, like a large number of you, have been suffering constant bloating and  irritable bowel syndrome.



So what is a leaky gut, I hear you ask?

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Vitamin A + Thyroid Health


Vitamin A.  A fat soluble vitamin, which means it MUST be consumed with fat in order to have optimal absorption.


A vitamin I am sadly deficient in, as revealed by my naturopath.


Vitamin A is essential for our vision, for boosting our immune function and for giving us healthy glowing skin.  It is also needed in the production of T3 (thyroid hormone) – which is just one of the many reasons I suffer hypothyroidism symptoms (and perhaps you too?)


Did you know that without this essential vitamin, our thyroid levels can suffer?


Did you also know that there is a strong connection between vitamin A deficiency and hypothyroidism?

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Yoghurt Pot


The word pretty much sums up it, don’t you think?  Simple recipes and delicious food.  Really, how could you go wrong? 

However, this book is so much more than an everyday cookbook as it is also filled with sustainable practices from how to shop, cook and eat with ease and without waste whilst still nourishing our bodies.  It includes tips on how to buy in bulk, freeze, preserve and use up any and all leftovers.  An ultimate cooking guide for anyone wanting sugar out of their lives and planet-saving real food to eat.

One of my favourite ideas from this cookbook are the “Yoghurt Pots”.

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COOKBOOK: The Naked Vegan

The Naked Vegan - a title that makes you take a second look and a cookbook recently delivered to me by the good people of Murdoch Books.

Maz Valcorza is a no-nensense and funny lady who had me at "I ate Spam from a can", as I too laughingly remember eating spam from a can when I was younger - it was my mum's staple ingredient in her light Summer ham salad.

This cookbook is filled with raw vegan recipes, free of refined sugars and nasty fillers.  It uses food grown from the ground, free from animal products and has not been heated to over 40-46 degrees.

I must state right here that I am in no way a vegan.  In fact I'm far from it.  Yes, I enjoy a green juice and a raw dairy-free cheesecake along with the next person, however give me a juice organic, grass fed steak smothered in a buttery bernaise sauce and I'm a very happy gal.  I never say never though.

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HOW TO: Make Hollandaise

Breakfast.  I'm a fan.

My breakfast of choice.  Eggs.

When I'm wanting indulgence.  Only hollandaise will do, and this recipe is foolproof.

In my past life I would whip hollandaise up by hand, which if you've done this before, is a bloody effort.  Thank God for the invention of the blender, as this foolproof recipe creates hot, silky smooth and fluffy hollandaise, rich in protein, with a simple press of a button.  Seriously, why would you order potentially inferior hollandaise when eating out anymore.  I don't!

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