Posts in Nutrition

I play the love/hate game when it comes to getting test results back.  Are you the same?

I love knowing exactly what is happening with my body (especially the why), as it gives me the opportunity to be the true Taurean that I am and run head first into finding a solution.

Sometimes, however it’s like opening a can of worms.

Needless to say, the list that’s as long as my arm received from my recent visit to my Naturopath of all the vitamins and minerals I’m severely deficient in and the list of all the vitamins, minerals and metals my body is inundated with has left me a little overwhelmed, to say the least.

So I’m taking it a step at a time and thought I’d share my finds with you, just in case you too are a little overwhelmed with it all at the moment.

So first up to the plate, is da da daaaaa…….Potassium.  

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No dairy + Elixir !

I've been taken off dairy.  Crap!

I'll happily live my life without twirling wheat pasta, buttering bread with gluten and sucking on sugary lollies, but the thought of not being able to enjoy my daily, creamy, fluffy, life altering cafe latte is killing me.  

Yes, it may only be for the next 6 weeks, but it will be 6 weeks of hell for me and for everyone around me.  That's a promise.  Especially those little sh*ts who insist on drinking their lattes in front of me.  They will pay.  (See - me not drinking my latte could be a health hazard).

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IN SEASON: Sweet Potato!

Yes the lovely orange root vegetable may have oodles more vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber than its white cousin - the regular potato, but did you know that sweet potatoes are outstanding for your digestion?

Their high starch content can be easily broken down which is so soothing for our stomach and intestines - ideal for those of us suffering tummy issues (like the horrible bloating I'm currently enjoying due to my hypothyroidism).

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In the weeks since 2015 began, I've been delving further into and experimenting with foods that detoxify, help alkalise my body, strengthen my immune system and provide me with much needed energy, and the humble spinach leaf, I've discovered, is just one of those ways.  It's also cheap, natural and readily available (unless of course you live close to those wonderful Nonna's baking their spinach and cheese pies, who buy up all of the spinach, which happened to me on the weekend.  Doh!).

So my present to your body today......a simple slow cooked dish packed full of this miracle of a vegetable.....

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How great is fennel for you ?

Fennel:   You're either a lover or a hater.  I'm a devoted lover and have been for a very long time, and as I've been slowly learning about the health benefits of this brilliant veg...I'm even more head over heels in love. 

Not only does it help in the relief of indigestion, flatulence and constipation, it's also brilliant in the treatment of anemia.....something that my mum is currently experiencing .  Not only is fennel high in iron, but the amino acid (known as histidine) found in fennel helps stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

So from me to you's cooked and packaged up ready for delivery.....

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Why eat carrots?

Food for Thought:   Carrots.  

Did you know that the second most popular vegetable (after the potato) can help promote beautiful skin?  Being super high in Vitamin A and antioxidants, carrots help prevent premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tones.  They can also protect us against macular degeneration of the eyes, some cancers and heart disease.

The Vitamin A will also help your liver flush out toxins from the body - which can only be considered a good thing in my book!

Maybe you're a smarty pants and already knew all that...but I bet you didn't know that the nutrition in carrots are encased in tiny little protein sacs that have to be broken for you to gain these benefits (this could be through cooking, grinding, juicing or plain old simple proper chewing).

I cooked AND pureed mine....


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Food for Thought: Buckwheat

Buckwheat: Did you know that it's not actually a cereal grain, but is in fact a fruit seed?  It's the perfect alternative to those of you who are sensitive to wheat (or other grains containing gluten), and it can also be used as an alternative to rice or as porridge.

It's high level of rutin helps treat high blood pressure, it helps lower blood sugars more slowly than rice or wheat products, and it's brilliant for your digestion by cleaning and strengthening the intestines.

I've been reading quite a bit of information about this little seed lately, which seems to be gaining in popularity, and so with my head full of knowledge and a big bag of the stuff sitting patiently on my counter, I dove right in.  It's such an easy ingredient to work with and I find the taste almost nutty like.  It's a lot lighter on your tongue than a traditional risotto is, and in turn, a lot lighter in your stomach.

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