Posts in Thyroid Health
Grain-Free Tabbouli !

I take the making of my salads and the eating of my salads very seriously.  Just as seriously as I take the making of my daily coffee and the taking of that very first sip.  It's important stuff.  It can make or break my day.

When it comes to tabbouli - It needs to stuffed full of parsley and so full of lemon that it makes my cheeks draw in.  No exceptions.

What I love about this grain in sight.

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My Christmas AIP Treat eBook



As you know, I’m in the midst of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).  However, I have made the decision that living the AIP life over the festive season will not preclude me from all of its deliciousness.  I’m all about self care - not deprivation! 


So with this in mind,  I have a little present for you all.


I’m sharing with you a free little book of my favourite Christmassy AIP sweet treats to help see you (and me) through the festive season. 


Merry Christmas!



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Thyroid Health, AIP1Leigh
My Wellness Journey So Far


So as you know, I have been living with Hashimoto’s and leaky gut for quite a number of years. 

The journey hasn’t been easy (and it still isn’t), however I’m eternally grateful for the progress I have made so far, and for the unexpected change in direction my life has taken.

I thought I might take the time to share with you where I started, what I changed in my life and where I currently am......




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Adrenal Health + Your Metabolism


After discussing how the health of our liver and thyroid can effect our metabolism in past posts, I'm finishing today with how two little walnut sized glands known as the Adrenal Glands can also play a big part, and what simple everyday things you can do to support them.


The third and final factors contributing to my slow metabolism and weight gain, due to having Hashimoto’s . . .


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