Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Coco-Banana Pots


Bonjour mes amis!


If you’ve been following my adventures on Instagram, you’ll know I’ve been frolicking in France for the past month.  Spending my days walking for miles and eating my body weight in French food.


Now I’m back. 


Well, my physical body is anyway.


I set out on this latest holiday with an open mind (and heart), knowing that France does not lead the world in gluten, sugar and dairy free food options (baguettes, French butter and fromage…hello!).  Surprisingly, they are definitely growing in this area, something I had never noticed on my past visits.


With the accessibility and aroma of freshly baked bread (and food in general) on every corner of Paris, I consciously made the decision to embrace and indulge in their amazing baguettes and pain au chocolat’s with my whole heart, loving every single bite.


Now back, I’m unfortunately suffering a few of the effects of the added gluten, dairy and sugar into my diet. 


The rash that led me to start my sugar free journey is back.  My thyroid has swollen and wants to burst out of my throat.  Lethargy has hold of me and doesn’t seem to want to let go.  AND I’m craving sugar!


However, I will admit that I’m actually a little excited to put all of the tools I’ve been learning about (and have been preaching about here) into practice once again to get me back on track.  Here is a little snap shot of what I’m currently up to:


  • Gluten, refined sugar and cow’s milk are gone.  C’est tout!

  • Stuffing my face nutrient dense whole foods.

  • Dry body brushing and Epsom salt baths to help rid my body of toxins

  • Sleep and rest – cancelling commitments and giving my body time to recover

  • Setting no time limit and no expectation.  My body will recalibrate when it’s good and ready.  Why get stressed over something I have no control over.


Oh, and this little recipe which was inspired by my recent travels and is filled to the brim with thyroid loving protein, magnesium, potassium, fibre and selenium, as well as vitamins C and E and a plethora of B’s.