Creme Vichyssoise Au Chou-Fleur Glace

I'm smitten!

And my crush is the little cookbook Santa brought me called The Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo.  I know I've only recently posted about Rachel's cookbook, but this is what happens to me when I get a crush (some may call it being obsessed).  I want to try making everything from cover to cover, and so far I seem to be on track.

Presenting recipe #2 in the 2013 Cookbook Challenge: 


Perfect for these warm Melbourne summer nights (and even more perfect if you're planning a picnic), this updated vichyssoise, using cauliflower instead of the traditional leek, is a lot milder in flavour but still just as yummy. Please don't be put off by cold soup - it's worth the work, and if you really can't face eating it cold, then it's just as delicious nice and warm....perhaps a baguette to use for mopping up the bowl?