Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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The Purple Picnic Salad

Why the Purple Picnic Salad?

Well, basically because eating purple foods are sooooo good for our body and our overall health.  Did you know it’s a scientifically-proven fact that the darker the food - the higher the antioxidant level?  Helping us to combat inflammation and contribute to the health of our heart and brain, all the while protecting and preventing a number of diseases.


The foods I’m talking about include those finger staining beets, purple cabbage and carrots and eggplants, as well as those juicy blueberries, blackberries, black cherries, black raspberries, açaí berries, black currants, plums, elderberries, bilberries, raisins AND pomegranates … just to name a few.  Phew!


If chakra’s are your thing – then these purple foods are a wonderful tool for helping to nourish and balance your crown chakra (located at the top of your head).  When in balance, you should feel vibrant, calm and centred with the ability to easily manifest and put your dreams and plans into inspired action. 


Now seriously, who doesn’t want more of that in their lives! 


Curious about the crown chakra - see a little more over here!