FOCUS : December

my November wrap up

Last month was all about change and transformation.  The end of something old and non-serving and the beginning of something new and exciting.  The words I wrote on New Year’s eve included creative/artistic struggle ends in triumph – a new life – end of troublesome period – soul reborn. 

the reality

I was so excited to begin November, and it didn’t disappoint - starting off with a bang.  I was on fire!  I really felt in my zone/flow of letting go physically and mentally and excited, open and positive about what each day was going to hold.  I felt like I was letting go of past grudges and old habits as well as manifesting AND actioning things - it felt amazing.  It felt how I want every day of my life to feel.  However, my wee little ego decided to come for a play towards the end of the month, and I began to feel flat and unmotivated.  Thinking about why this was happening, the words that popped in my head were “What if I succeed?” and “What then?”  It’s funny how transforming your life into something you’re so excited about and have been planning, manifesting, creating and agonising over for so long is finally beginning to appear, and I’m running in the other direction.  Talk about self-sabotage!

What I did walk away with from November is the knowledge that I am my own worst enemy.  I can choose which way my life goes and no amount of manifesting, creating and planning will help when you make the choice to turn your back or bury your head out of fear.  I guess I still have some work to do on myself in this area.

the december plan

Interestingly, December looks to be the coming together of everything I’ve been learning and practicing throughout this year.  The Hanged Man.  A willingness to let go and sacrifice in order to transform my life - bringing with it inner peace and wisdom, spiritual peace and growth, forgiveness (especially regarding the past) and inner strength.  It tells me that it’s a time of waiting or potentially a calculated step backward to help recalculate my path forward.  Taking action isn’t always the best solution and in certain cases, refraining from doing so might bring me just as much, if not more benefits. 

Now who doesn’t want that in their life!

I also love the word willingness here, reminding me that it’s my choice – which can be scary too as I can’t blame anyone else!  My life is in my hands, and after the recent visit from my ego, I can see how finally learning to let go completely is what’s needed now.  Not quite sure how to nip this in the bud finally, but I’m gonna give it a good shot.

so this month i’m planning to:


Essential Oils | I’m still loving my “Release” essential oil blend from Young Living, helping me calmly and effortlessly let go of anything I no longer need and promote harmony and balance.  I’m also switching it up with my “Surrender” essential oil blend to help cast off inhibitions that may be controlling my life or limiting my potential.  This blend was created to help balance and calm emotions and clear the mind, helping me to surrender to a more open mind.  Tick, tick, boom baby!

Intuitive Eating | Something I’ve played around with for many years, but has just never stuck – I’m definitely an emotional and celebratory eater!  However, intuitive eating practices have been jumping out to me recently, so once again I’ve begun to implement this back into my life – I truly believe in it and now that I’m completely willing to let go of old ways (hehe), I’m diving in once again.

Focus on the Present | My plan here is to stop the bad habit cycle of talking to myself negatively, using words like I’m sick, unwell, bloated, tired, overweight, etc – even though that might be exactly how I feel at the time.  I’m going to stop myself when I hear these words and say “It’s alright.  That was the old me and now I’m …….”  I LOVE December and it’s no secret that I love the lead up to Christmas, so this really is the most perfect month for me to focus on the present and enjoy every little joyful part of the month, making each day the best day of my life.

Lifestyle TipsLeigh