Egg & Co !

We have found a winner people!

Yes.  A bold statement, but I think I have found one of the loveliest coffees I've actually had in Paris.... EVER.  

If you wander down an almost deserted little lane way in the 6th arrondissement

in Paris, you will, I promise you, find wonderful eggs Benedict, friendly service and creamy, smooth, lip licking coffee.

Eggs and Co

Did I mention the coffee?



A quirky little cafe, a little under polished - picture quick, rough paint jobs on the walls and floors, low ceilings, small windows that let in the beautiful fresh Spring breeze, jazz music playing in the background and eggs.  Eggs galore!

The hollandaise was as it should be.  Creamy, seasoned and oh my God, so moreish which when swirled around with the yolk of the egg, made me want to lick the plate.

Did I mention the coffee?