Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Chocolate Quinoa Balls

Secret Recipe Club.

Say hello to Claire!

Claire is a fellow Aussie, living north of me up in sunny Brisbane.  She is wife to Will and mother to Ollie.  She has a farmer's market within walking distance of her home (very jealous!) and is the very talented lady behind one of the most beautiful blogs around, Claire K Creations, a space where she shares delicious recipes, restaurant reviews and beautiful photography....amongst other little tidbits.

Claire K Creations also happens to be my Secret Recipe Club blog for the month of April.

It also happens to be Easter Monday over here in Australia today, so to celebrate this chocolate holiday, I found a delicious recipe that I've be indulging in over the Easter break....no guilt attached.....


 (see Claire K Creations original recipe here)

I did tweak Claire's recipe slightly for my own dietary requirements - using rice malt syrup instead of honey and using raw cacao powder instead of cocoa powder.

The end result certainly wouldn't be as sweet as Claire's version, but that suited my taste buds perfectly.  It's also a much softer texture than some of the seed/nut ball recipes out there, so I kept mine in the freezer.  Made it a lot slower process to eat which is a very good thing, as I could have possibly eaten all of these in the one sitting...oops!


The Secret Recipe Club:  Is a way to find and share new blogs.  Each month we are secretly assigned to another member of the club where we select a recipe to make, photograph and share on-line.