Simple Roasted Carrots



Fact 1.  Carrots contain Betacarotene.  


Fact 2.  Betacarotene is a wonderful source of antioxidants.  


Fact 3.  Antioxidants are your cell's protectors.  


So why do your cells need protecting?


In super simple words - oxidation in our body's causes free radicals to be produced, which in turn, can cause damage to our cells.  An overload of these free radicals has been linked to ageing and disease - something I'm quite sure no one wants - and oxidation is accelerated by stress, smoking, alcohol, over-exercise, medication and pollution.


So now do you get why we need antioxidants?


Fact 4.  One way to get antioxidants into our body's is by consuming Betacarotene.


Fact 5.  What better way to get Betacarotene, than by eating carrots!


Get where I'm going . . .