Hello my lovelies!


Before I get into my wrap up of May and let you in on what my focus for June will be, I thought that since we’re half way through the year, I’d share my thoughts on my “monthly focus plan”.


If you’ve been reading since January, you would know that instead of setting the usual 2018 goals at the beginning of the year, only to forget or ignore them for the remainder of the year, I decided to focus on each month, one month at a time.  Giving each month its own intention – keeping it small to help me to stay present, motivated, encouraged and “in the moment”. 


So now that I’m at the half way mark … wow!  This was the best thing I ever did.  It has done exactly what I’d hoped it would do.  I feel like I’m experiencing each month and not just seeing the year fly by.  I love coming to the end of the month and looking back to see what I’ve accomplished and how I’m feeling.  I love getting excited and motivated about what’s in store for the next month.  Every month seems to be exactly what I need to hear at the exact moment I need to hear it.  I feel like I’ve made some major shifts in my life, as well as many small ones that in past years I may never have noticed, and I’ve also gotten to know myself and my values just that little bit more.  If you’ve been playing around with goal setting and losing inspiration, perhaps this might be just for you?


Ok.  So let’s wrap up May


The month I was born and my favourite time of year – Autumn.  For me, May was all about something ending and new beginnings (a new path).  About trusting my inner voice, finding balance, and opening my heart.


I feel like this past month has been where I’ve seen the biggest changes so far.  I changed the focus of my wellness journey, both physically and mentally, which in turn had me change many in my “wellness crew”.  I let go of many things that were weighing me down, both big and little things, as well as things I didn’t realise were weighing me down until I actually let them go.  Towards the end of the month I was confronted with my ego – bringing up feelings of jealousy, rejection and vanity, however knowing this was all part of my “May focus” I was able to work through the situation, and again, let go.




so what are my plans | actions | focus for june?


Looks like I’m still on the change and new direction pathway, as the feelings I wrote down at the beginning of the year for June included discontentment, emotion, self-examination and search for new direction, and in truth, these feelings began to bubble up just as May came to an end.  This month will be about listening to my inner voice and NOT others, finding balance yet finding growth in all directions of my life too.  I wrote the words “change of career”, but I also wrote the words “be realistic”. 


So I thought I might try:


Inner Voice | Keeping up my practice of meditation (I only do 10-15 mins most mornings – nothing too heavy), focussing on intuition and listening inwards - perhaps meditations that focus on the 6th chakra – third eye/intuition.  I also plan to continue journaling (which helps quiet the cognitive mind and allow intuition to speak up), as well as other practices that on the surface don’t look intuitive, but that do allow that quite space – including sitting at the table for dinner each evening – chewing mindfully with no distractions, and walking to work without headphones.


Create | Being a visual and creative person, I love to create vision boards and build pictures in my mind filled with colour and details of how I see my life unfolding.  I don’t have an actual plan as to what it will be at the moment, but the simple act of being open, creating and visualising the feelings, will hopefully evolve into more tangible ideas.  I LOVE Pinterest for this!


Escape to Nature | Get away and slow down.  I’m planning to simply get away to new surroundings, perhaps during the weekends, like heading to the beach for the day, or taking a train to a little country town to simply wander and feel free.  Switch off technology and simple breathe fresh air and walk, walk, walk.

Align my Values |  Our minds can steer us away from integrity, but our intuition never will, so I’m going to keep working on my core values and in particular, the difference in how I feel when I live them and when I don’t.  This will be a great help to start sensing my intuition more clearly.  For this I love using Kate James’ The Mind Set Books.  I simply read a few tips and paragraphs and then journal my thoughts.  I love doing this when I’m curled up in bed and slowly winding down.



To find out more about my 2018 goals, simply click - JanuaryFebruaryMarch, April and May!






