Back in Paris....Part II

With 7 hours of solid walking under our belt, a big degustation lunch (which was pushing out said belt), and a few chosen treasures, purchased by moi, safely ensconced in my bag from the big street market which happened to be going on in the Marais, we decided that we deserved it to be wine o'clock time.  Right now.

La Manger du Marais was our wine bar of choice (well, truthfully we just happened to be walking past it when wine o'clock hit).  

With its welcoming cushioned seats, big smiling (kinda cute) waiter, delicious rose and jazzy tunes it was the perfect choice for these two weary chickadees.

Ah Paris.  Part II is definitely off to a good start.


La Mangerie du Marais

7 Rue de Jarente, 75004 Paris