A New Year + Breakfast

Two words to wrap up my 2014.....roller coaster!

It's been a busy and amazing year with lots of wonderful memories and new friends having been made.  However, it's also been a difficult year filled with change and learning to live outside my comfort zone.  It's been a year that has included laughter and tears at work, magical travels through France, to moving house and packing up my treasured possessions.  I've coped.  I'm pretty lucky and a little tough.

The one thing I haven't forgotten to do this year is treat myself.  I'm pretty bloody good at it.  And one of my all time favourite treats to give to myself is a delicious and lazy breakfast.  With a big pot of early grey, of course.....

Please don't mistake these little hotcakes as sweet pancakes, because they're not, and in fact they would be lovely with a ribbon of smoked salmon curled on top with a dollop of creme fraiche and dill.  They're light, fluffy and mild in flavour with a lovely hint of lemon and a creamy texture from the ricotta.  It's the toppings you chose that will dictate sweet or savoury.

They also freeze really well and can be popped straight into the toaster when needed (perhaps smothered in butter??)  

Oh la la.