2014 Cookie Carnival

Want to know the two reasons I chose this particular recipe for the Secret Recipe Club's 2014 Cookie Carnival?

Made with rosemary and thyme, this cookie brings up memories of curling up on the couch with my cup of tea watching the English murder mystery show with the same name.


It's shortbread.  Enough said.

This recipe comes from the blog Teaspoon of Spice.  Created by two talented registered dietitians Serena and Deanna, specialising in nutrition messaging with a culinary focus.  I love it!  They're also based in two completely different cities in the US., yet their blog is seamless with millions of lovely recipes.............



Rosemary and Thyme Shortbread

(see Teaspoon of Spice's original recipe here)


The flavour of these biscuits is DEL-ICI-OUS!  Almost savoury in taste with the salt and fresh herbs but an underlying sweetness which works perfectly with a cup of tea.  

Note:  I did alter the recipe slightly to suit my dietary requirements by making them refined-sugar free and removing some of the wheat flour.

I found just the one biscuit satisfied me - no gorging in sight!

Thank you ladies for a recipe I'll be making again.


The Secret Recipe Club:  Is a way to find and share new blogs.  Each month we are secretly assigned to another member of the club where we select a recipe to make, photograph and share on-line.