Welsh Rarebit

Say hello to Heather!

Heather is the gardening and cooking guru behind the blog The Tasty Gardener which just happens to be my secret blog for this month's Secret Recipe Club.

One of the things I loved about wandering through Heather's blog was all the amazing tips and tricks she offers regarding both gardening and cooking from building a veggie patch through to cooking suckling pig.  I was gobsmacked!

The recipe I chose from The Tasty Gardener was actually the very first recipe I remember making in Home Economics class many, many, many years ago.  I remember going into a panic when I first heard we were making it as I thought rabbit was the main ingredient.

Surely I wasn't the only one!  Right?

The Secret Recipe Club:  Is a way to find and share new blogs.  Each month we are secretly assigned to another member of the club where we select a recipe to make, photograph and share on-line.