Mid Week Meal Time

About 5 years ago I would have turned my nose up at this recipe. 

I had always felt tofu was a waste of space in my stomach.

You could say I wasn't a fan.

That was before I discovered silken tofu.  Oh my.  Now I crave the stuff!

If you're not a fan, you could easily substitute the tofu with thin slices of chicken or beef, perhaps with some paneer (firm cottage cheese), boiled eggs, or even just some extra veggies of your choice.

This is a super simple mid-week dish and it re-heats brilliantly the next day for lunch. 


Red Curry and Tofu Noodle Soup


Normally in the past I would have made my own red curry paste, scoffing at anything found in a jar.  Ha!  How times have changed.  There are some beautiful pre-made pastes in a jar, but please read the labels carefully.  No two curry pastes are the same.

I love the organic ones that have no sugar or preservatives added.


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