Secret Recipe Club - October

Meet Lisa from Cook Lisa Cook

My secret blog partner for this month's Secret Recipe Club.

One of things I found really interesting in reading Cook Lisa Cook is that Lisa's gorgeous little girl Maisie has a number of food allergies, so you find that many of Lisa's recipes have been adapted to suit Maisie's needs.  This certainly hasn't stopped her from cooking and from what I can tell, she's enjoying finding ways around the allergies.  Just goes to show that if you're a cook at heart, nothing will stop you! 

Being off fructose myself at the moment, it was lovely to paired with someone who also needs to adapt recipes.  I'm not alone!

I kept this month's recipe really simple and used Lisa's original recipe as a jumping off platform - and simply focused on the produce.


Eggs in Avocado

(see original recipe here)

The comfort of the scrambled eggs, the freshness of the guacamole and the crispness of bacon makes for a delicious breakfast or quick and easy supper.

I love this dish and would happily have it any time of the day or night.

Thanks for the inspiration Lisa!