The Amazing Miss A !

The amazing Miss A has done it again by cooking up a French feast for us all last Saturday night.  God I love it when she cooks!  I've banged on about Miss A's cooking skills many times in this little blog, including (


) and (


) and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that she is one of the most talented cooks I've come across - and I eat A LOT of food!

So on a cold Saturday night we arrived wearing our berets, clutching our bottles of wine (and a stuffed toy dog in my clutch bag - as the French do!) and settled in for a wonderful night.  Take a little peek......

Little Pepe

What a night!  I have some pretty amazing friends that I'm so thankful for.  My cheeks ached from laughing so much and my tummy ached from eating so much wonderful food - training for when I head over to France soon perhaps, although the little impromptu dance routine at the very end of the night might have helped a little.....

Miss A - thank you!


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