Burgundy .

Burgundy isn't a region we're planning to explore on our trip to France later this year.  As a number of my favourite dishes come from the region, including Coq au Vin, it's definitely a place a plan to go back to one day. 

Another reason I'd like to go back would be to go to a cooking class at The Cooks Atelier.  An amazing looking school where you head off to the market in the morning then cook the afternoon away.  I had originally thought I'd just pop down there from Paris to attend the school, but with the amount of things I want to do in Paris - I'll think I'll have to leave it for now.  Oh well, there's always next time.

Link to The Cook's Atelier Website here

One of my other favourite dishes from this region, and one I make A LOT, is the good old Beouf Bourguignon.  I've made this dish numerous times using a multitude of different recipes, but never this particular recipe - from the Weigh It Up website - using a combination of meat and red kidney beans.



Definitely still a delicious version of this dish and worth trying if you're wanting to cut back on the butter.  Although I will admit that I did miss the luscious velvet texture and taste that only butter can bring. 

I made a big batch which I took away with me on the long weekend holiday down to Portarlington - indulging in french food, french movies and a french plonk or two.