My "Thyroid Basics" Handbook


My personal journey since being diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism) in 2013, has led my life down a brand new pathway. 


Sometimes a scary as hell pathway, but a new pathway of eating nutrient-dense, seasonal, organic and anti-inflammatory wholefoods. 


My ultimate wish on this little journey of mine is to:


Stop inflammation

Reverse my autoimmune disease

Improve the health of my gut

Balance my hormones


Say a big fat hello to energy!



Within the pages of this little free handbook of mine, I share with you my very own personalised eating journey, based on my own research, trial and error and a lot of patience, tears and time.


These fundamentals have evolved through many years of consulting with (picking the brains of) health practitioners - from GP’s and endocrinologists, to naturopaths, acupuncturists, Chinese medicine doctors and reiki healers. 


This “plan” is my base line - a place I start from each morning no matter what has occurred the day before.




My hope in sharing this information, is to potentially help you and anyone you love who is new to the world of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis/Hypothyroidism, jump start and build your very own personal wellness plan.  One that is based on your own body’s needs and one that fits into your own lifestyle.


Are you ready?


For your free copy to download and print - open link here!





Thyroid HealthLeigh