The Cookbook Challenge # 22

Not so long ago I was looking at Natalie Oldfield's blog - the owner of Dulcie May Kitchen, and owner of a cookbook I picked up on my travels through New Zealand a couple of years ago.

Her post was all about a delicious, mouth-watering crumble dish.  I'm a huge fan of crumble.  Heck, who am I kidding, put butter and/or rhubarb in anything and I'm in love.

My mum is also a HUGE crumble fan, so when I'd made the decision to make a crumble for dessert for her recent Mother's Day lunch, I decided I had to make Natalie's Vanilla Bean Semifreddo to go with it.

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it!


3 eggs | 2 egg yolks | 2 vanilla bean pods, scrapped | ¾ cup caster sugar | 2 cups pouring cream

Place the eggs, vanilla bean & caster sugar in a large heatproof bowl and mix with an electric beater over a saucepan of hot water for 6-8 minutes or until the mixture is thick and pale in colour. Remove from the heat and beat for a further 6-8 minutes until it is cooled. Fold in the whipped cream and pour into a metal tin or similar – approximately 2 litres. Leave in the freezer overnight or for at least 6 hours.

Deliciously vanilla! 

Although, I think the best part of this dessert in my nephew's eyes was being able to use the ice-cream scoop. 

I'm gonna take that as a win!