Cookbook Challenge #4

There seems to be a theme developing in this little challenge of mine.  Completely unintentional of course, although I'm sure my sub-conscious has been planning this all along.

Have you noticed?

Without meaning to, everything I've cooked so far seems to have some link to France.  Hmmm...wonder why that is......

You guessed it.  This week's contribution is no exception.


Quatre-quarts aux agrumes (citrus fruit cake)

The Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo


Ahhh...The Little French Kitchen....the current love of my life, and another recipe that had me skipping with joy when I pulled it out of the oven.  So so good!

I'm not sure if it is my love of this book, my love of cake in general or the fact that this little cake reminds me so much of the citrus cake I ate in a little tea shop in the Marais area of Paris (see here).  Here we sat literally for hours just talking, sipping numerous pots of tea, reading French children's books (trying to) and of course....eating cake.

In fact, can I be so bold to say that it may in fact be my favourite cake ever?!