Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Beets + Your Liver


Love them or hate them, but there is no question as to the amazing health benefits these veggies provide for our bodies.

Just a few of their benefits

Relieve Inflammation | SUPER HIGH in antioxidants - a compound which helps stop damage to our cells, which in turn helps protect us against many types of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Chronic inflammation is pretty much at the root of most diseases and is often caused by diet and lifestyle, so consuming high quality whole foods like beets is an excellent way to help keep inflammation in check.

Detoxification | Our body has its own built-in detox system from our kidneys, our lungs to our skin. Our liver also plays a major role in detoxification by removing toxins and other harmful substances from the blood. Beets, especially when juiced, helps this process work so much more efficiently. Not to mention helping the body eliminate parasites, especially Liver Flukes.

Digestive Health | Rich in fibre, beets help add bulk to our stool helping support regularity and promote better digestive health. You want it out rather than in! Haha.

A super simple way to enjoy beets - roast them up!

Wash, chop and add them to a baking tray with some fresh or dried herbs and salt. You could toss in a little olive oil or coconut oil, however I usually choose to leave as is. Roast in a 200 degree oven for approximately 30 minutes and enjoy.

As I buy organic - I don’t peel my beets - I just give them a good scrub. But feel free to peel if your can’t get your hands on organic.