Another Pea Soup . . .


Another pea soup?

Yes, another pea soup....but this one has mint.  Lots of it!

What a brilliant, albeit obvious flavour combination, but I didn't realise just how brilliant a combination of ingredients this soup was until I did a little more research.

Did you know that peas feed your muscles and brain, and are chock full of protein and fiber?  Did you also know that one cup of peas has more than twice the protein of 1 tablespoon of peanut butter?  Hunh!

Then you go and throw mint into the pot which is cooling on the digestion, and as it contains menthe, will refresh, inspire and uplift you.  

So basically, this soup will aid your digestion, help relax any muscle spasms, reduce any fever AND help balance you during these hot Summer months.

The most perfect dish for me, the Pitta, based on the Ayurvedic Cookbook I've been burying myself in by Lee Holmes - Eat Right for Your Shape.

