Vitamin E + Tapenade


Today I’m talking all about fat-soluble vitamin No. 3


Vitamin E


Missed No. 1 (vitamin A) and No.2 (vitamin D) – Never fear, just click the links.


Did you know that vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for the health of our cells?


It promotes clear skin, good eye health and is needed for the proper function of many of our organs and neurological processes and can help treat and prevent diseases of the heart, high blood pressure and blocked or hardened arteries.


Interestingly, vitamin E is found in both plant and animal foods, however the animal sources of vitamin E are poor.  Your best sources can be found in vegetables, seeds and nut oils.


Vitamin E Benefits


Skin | Vitamin E strengthens the capillary walls in the skin, improving moisture and elasticity.  Vitamin E reduces inflammation both within your body and on your skin, helping maintain healthy, youthful skin

Hair | A powerful antioxidant helping decrease environmental damage to your hair and promoting circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E oil can help retain the natural moisture in your skin, which helps your scalp from becoming dry and flaky

Hormones | Vitamin E plays a crucial role in balancing your endocrine and nervous systems, naturally working to balance hormones, including PMS, weight gain, allergies, urinary tract infections, anxiety and fatigue

Vision | Helps decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration – however, in order for vitamin E to be effective, it must be consumed with adequate intakes of vitamin C, beta-carotene and zinc


Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms


Vitamin E deficiencies have long been thought to be rare, however, there are specific situations that can lead to a deficiency.  This includes people with fat absorption issues (especially common for those struggling with inflammatory bowel disease), cycstic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease and liver disease, as fat is needed for the absorption of vitamin E


Symptoms of deficiency can include loss of muscle coordination and impaired vision and speech.


Vitamin E Side Effects


Vitamin E benefits most when ingested or applied topically, and most people will not experience any side effects, however in very high doses there can be adverse reactions, especially for people who have conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.


Vitamin E Foods


According to Dr Axe (1), consuming 2-3 serves of any of the below foods can provide our recommended daily needs of Vitamin E  (just don’t forget the fat!):  


  • Nuts - in particular almonds + hazelnuts*

  • Sunflower seeds*

  • Leafy greens

  • Mango

  • Pumpkin

  • Broccoli

  • Kiwi

  • Avocado

  • Olives

  • Tomato*

  • Fatty fish

  • Organ meats


*Denotes foods not suitable if following the Autoimmune Protocol


More reading on vitamin E


Dr Axe

The Paleo Mom



vitamin e loving Recipe