My Christmas AIP Treat eBook


Hello my lovelies,


To me, Christmas means twinkling lights, relaxation and indulgence.  The feeling of warm sunshine on my skin and cool grass under my feet.  It’s the smell of mangoes and cherries as the juice dribbles down my chin, and the taste of fresh prawns, with just the merest squeeze of lemon.  


This is my Christmas.


This year is a little different though, as I’m in the midst of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).  However, I have made the decision that living the AIP life over the festive season will not preclude me from all of its deliciousness.  I’m all about self care - not deprivation! 


So with this in mind,  I have a little present for you all.


I’m sharing with you inside the pages of this free little book, my favourite Christmassy AIP sweet treats to help see you (and me) through the festive season. 


These treats can be wrapped up as gifts, or simply shared with your family and friends, keeping your own tummy and immune system happy and their taste buds singing.   They're perfect for:


Last minute invites (they’ll never know their AIP approved)

Stocking fillers and gift ideas for loved ones dealing with allergies

Pure festive indulgence for yourself



Why?  Because you deserve it!


For your free copy to download and print - click link here!


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Seriously, what have you got to lose?


Thyroid Health, AIP1Leigh