FOCUS: September



It’s the last day of August and it’s the last day of Winter, as we start to head towards lighter nights and warmer mornings.  However, before we get there, let me quickly wrap up August . . .


the facts


August for me was to be about using my creative talents and combining my ideas to produce beautiful work.  A month of peace, harmony, strength, energy and growth.  A time to gather the harvest after hard labour, of commercial activity, and of finding a balance between emotional and material security, serenity and inner stability (see the full post here!).


the outcome


This month definitely turned out to be a growth month for me.  Jeez Louise!  I learnt a hell of a lot about myself and in particular, my ability to sabotage myself!  My focus and enthusiasm grew enormously towards creating a beautiful business opportunity for myself, one that I’m both inspired and excited by (and also scared as hell about).  I basically stepped up and took hold of the reigns – finally.  Or to put it another way, pulled up my big girl panties.


After quite A LOT of inner dialog, I said yes to a new adventure and have joined forces with other inspiring women as part of an online Wellness Hub, helping inspire others on their own wellness journey and to create abundant lives for themselves (and for me).  I absolutely adore the philosophy of the group and the generous and kind nature of the worldwide community.  It was the question “what if?” that made me jump - extreme fear and all.  So yes, August did end up being a month of commercial activity and finding a balance between emotional and material security for me.


  so what are my plans | actions | focus for september?


 The words I wrote down for this month, way back on New Years’ Eve included: 

  • Justice

  • Honesty

  • Integrity

  • Law

  • Favourable


I wrote balanced judgement and control; balanced personality and mind; and balanced outlook


So what the hell does this mean?


My personality will often see me over analyse and think way too much, especially when I need to keep it simple.  I can either get caught up in the moment and become “airy fairy”, or become a control freak to the point I lose all enjoyment.  So I feel this month is telling me to stay focused and keep my thoughts well-ordered and logical, however ensure the logical side is balanced by my intuition.  


The whole reason I jumped into this opportunity was I was looking for change, more creativity, simplicity and abundance in my life, and as soon as I begin to think about it too much, I take a step back and fear creeps in.  This can be helpful in some situations, especially as integrity and authenticity are a big part of my life. However, it’s also about staying open to the universe and trusting my gut, saying yes to opportunities and taking risks, AND enjoying the ride.


Plan | I’m a Taurean so I work well with structure – I’ll be scheduling set times into my calendar for business work, keeping me focused for 30-60 minute to get sh%t done!  I think this will also help me to not become overwhelmed and swallowed up in business mode 24/7.

Listen | With each decision I have to make, and even with each social media post I send out, I want to tune in and really listen to how my body is feeling.  If it’s not a “Hell yeah!”, then it’s a no.  Nice and simple.

Play | As I also work full-time in the corporate world – I’m going to make sure I make time for play.  From coffee with friends, reading a book in the bath …. you know the drill.

Authentic | Keeping a conscious awareness that all of my decisions and actions today have long-term consequences.   Making sure I remain objective, open and truthful, and base my judgements on facts and not heresay.  There will be a lot of time spent this month creating, so it’s also time to make sure I read all of the legal requirements and rules around this new business adventure of mine.



So in a nutshell = Practicing balance.







Lifestyle TipsLeigh