FOCUS: April


I’m saying au revoir to March over here and starting to focus my energies into April.


Unsure what I’m talking about?  Well, on New Year’s Eve I decided to NOT set myself any goals/intentions for the year ahead, as they’re usually forgotten just as quickly as they were made, and instead set some intentions for me to focus on each month through the use of tarot and angel cards . . . and I’m loving it.  I find that by focussing on just one month at a time, I’m staying present and mindful for the entire month.  It’s so much more sustainable and I feel like I’m actually being productive and effective.  Interested in seeing my earlier month’s intentions/focus, then just click here (JanuaryFebruaryMarch).


For me, March was a bit of a tough month as I just recently placed my mum into a nursing home.  As you can imagine, there were highs, many lows and a lot of stress.  Luckily, she seems to be really enjoying the change and in hindsight, I wish I’d done it earlier, but then that’s the beauty of hindsight, isn’t it.  Interestingly, my March Focus was all about nurturing myself.  A time to enjoy the little things - quality over quantity, and a time for looking after and pampering myself, relaxing into it and not fighting it.  


Did I succeed?  Hmmm….I don’t really feel like I did, however part of March was also learning to just be kind to myself, so even though I don’t feel as though I ticked all the boxes and mastered the art of self-nurture, I did definitely make changes and steps in the right direction.


So now it’s over to April, and what’s in store . . .


A month of keeping moving and avoiding stagnation.  A month of being patient whilst beginning AND ENDING tasks.  A month of staying grounded and true to myself.


Quite a nice month actually, don’t you think?


It’s the “ending tasks” part that scares the pants off me though, as I’m very skilled in the art of beginning projects then ending up on the couch with Netflix!


Funnily enough, when I see the word “stagnation” above, it immediately makes me think of my tummy and all the issues it’s having at the moment.  Basically everything is at a standstill at the moment – nothing absorbing and nothing leaving!  Having just seen my naturopath yesterday, her plan to kick start and hopefully get things moving again is to pop me onto a plant-based diet for a couple of weeks – upping my fibre intake.  Hopefully this will help me “avoid stagnation” in April . . . haha!   




So my focus/plan for April:


Meditation | Focus on grounding and motivational meditations

Grounding | Get outdoors for walks and lots of Epsom salt baths

Essential Oils | Utilise Rosemary and Thyme essential oils for focus and clear thinking

Studies | Step back into my nutrition studies (which I took a break from whilst dealing with my mum’s move)

Food | as mentioned above, move to a plant-based diet for just a couple of weeks to help kick start my digestion

Detox Practices | Increase my body brushing, water intake an Epsom salt baths as well as trying floatation tanks and lymphatic massages

Diary | Step up the use of my diary (yes, I still have an old school paper diary!), scheduling in all of the above and not just leaving to chance
