AIP: Week 8 Update


I’m at the 8 week mark people.   Toot toot!


Yep.  You heard me.  I’ve been going strong on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) for 2 whole months now, and I have to say, I’m feeling wonderful. 


Actually, I haven’t felt this good in years!  Jeez people - this shit works!


After 2 months . . .


  • My fuzzy brain fog has lifted;

  • My bloating has significantly subsided (hasn’t completely gone though!);

  • My energy levels are heading upwards;

  • I’m wanting to socialise and get out of the house again; and

  • I’m sleeping soundly through the night.


I still feel I have a ways to go yet, as there are still a few symptoms plaguing me, including . . .


  • Bloating (I’m still waking on a morning slightly bloated and sore);

  • Irregular bowl movements (sorry – being honest!); and

  • Swelling of my thyroid.


So part of my “wanting to socialise and get out of the house again”, I went away for the weekend up to the Dandenong Ranges here in Victoria.  A wonderful weekend spent relaxing in front of an open fire with pots of tea, lazy sleep ins and just simple pure relaxation.  Being a good AIP girl, I brought my own food along for the ride, having whipped up a beef casserole the night before.


Unfortunately, something slipped in without me realising.


I hold the bacon responsible.


The one and only thing I completely forgot to pack was the organic bacon that I LOVE!  And as it was the only thing I bought - it’s the only thing it could be, and my reaction was immediate.


My tummy swelled.  My thyroid almost burst out of my throat.  A rash covered my neck and my elbows(???), and a marching band took up residence in my head.  Oh, and I’m waking up in hot sweats during the middle of the night again.


Yep, just about every symptom I ever experienced only a few weeks ago came steam rolling back into my life, without knocking.


3 days later - I’m still suffering.


Jeez Louise – to think I use to feel like this every day!


So what’s my plan of attack to get me back to that much longed for feeling ….


Bone broth | I’m drinking my body weight in bone broth (ok - slight exaggeration, but not far off).

ACV | I’m taking apple cider vinegar shots 15 mins before each meal to get my gastric juices fired up.

Liver | I’ve started swallowing organic, grass fed desiccated liver capsules (I just can’t stomach offal, but understand how beneficial it is for me).

Yoga | I’ve upped my yin yoga practice to a few moves (tailored to my body by my teacher) each evening and morning.



Here’s hoping for quick return.



AIPLeighAIP2, Lifestyle2