Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Nourishing Hot Chocolate

Happiness is hot chocolate on a cold Winter's day.

~  Manga




Did you know that until the 19th century, hot chocolate was used medicinally to treat ailments such as liver and stomach diseases?




I don’t know the facts behind this little statement, but I’m assuming this was before we bastardised raw cacao and processed it into the cocoa we know and consume today.  I could be wrong!


What I DO know, however is that this quick, nourishing and clean hot chocolate recipe, IS super good for you and your body. 


Wanna know why?


Raw Cacao Powder – Rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and magnesium.  A wonderful mood enhancer that can also help promote cardiovascular health and brain function.

Organic Vanilla Powder – Also contains antioxidants helping to protect the body from free radicals and toxins, as well as being an anti-inflammatory and powerful liver-protector.

Organic Cinnamon – Can help to treat muscle spasms, diarrhoea, infections and the common cold.  It can also help lower your blood sugar levels.

Rice Malt Syrup – A complex carbohydrate blend of glucose and maltose (100% fructose free).  It is also a slow releasing sugar, so it doesn’t dump and overwork our liver like fructose does.


Happy sipping lovelies!