Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Focus: March



I can't believe that the time has come to pack away my goals and focus for February and to dive into March.


Unsure what I'm talking about or missed them - then check out my posts talking all about my January and February goals and intentions here and here.


Feb was an interesting month for me as it was more about looking inwards than dealing with the practical.  I have no issue looking inwards, but it's definitely a lot harder to tick a box or reach any tangible goals.  In the end, I just have to go with my gut and with how I was feeling - trusting the process.


Being honest with you, it took me quite a bit of time to really get my stride for Feb, however by the end I was really enjoying the routines and practices I'd set up.  I didn't do them every day, but I did practice, and that's the main thing, isn't it?


February was also a struggle for me on a personal side as my mum has not been well, and being her primary carer whilst working full-time has taking a toll on my physical and emotional health.  Wow, what stress can do to your body!  So as you can imagine, February's focus of delving inside has been quite emotional and draining.


So now it's time for March, and when I read back over my notes that I took from the beginning of year, it was like I knew exactly what was going to unfold.  The universe always has your back!


March:   Nurturing "Earth Mother"


For me, this month is a time of practical nurturing.  By increasing my feminine balance (I'm a little outta whack with having to deal with the harsh practicalities of caring for someone).  A time to enjoy the little things - quality over quantity.  And a time for looking after and pampering myself, relaxing into it and not fighting it.  But for me it also has to be about becoming independent and cutting ties.  Setting boundaries and listening to my gut.  



At first my thoughts immediately sprang to helping my mum.  Nurturing her.  And in someways, March will be, however the more I sat with these words, the more it became clear that this was about me.  Nurturing me.  Being my own "mother", so to speak.


Love, balance and nourishment are the 3 words that spring to mind. 


So what's my plan for this month, you may ask:


Self Care | Continuing with the little routines I've been setting up this year, including eating dinner at the dining room table and my 10 minute morning meditations.  I'm loving my evening journalling, walking to work each morning and dancing around in my underwear.

Nature | I'm craving nature at the moment, so this month you'll find me reading my book in the local parks.

Food | Not mush else screams "nurture" to me than cooking, so I'll be upping the ante on the nourishing foods I cook and prep.

Get Creative | I've been so practical lately (masculine energy) so it's time to get my creative (feminine) on.  From cooking and photography to all the ideas I have swimming around in my head for this little blog of mine....time to have some fun!


Over to you now.  What's your focus for March?