Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Devilled Eggs


Say hello to Micha!

Micha is the lovely woman behind the blog Cookin' Mimi which focuses on traditional Southern and good old American home cooking recipes that make your family AND your wallet happy.  You'll also find loads of Mexican dishes here, being that Micha a native Southern Californian.  

Micha also happens to be my secret blog for this month's Secret Recipe Club.

What I enjoyed about wandering through Micha's blog is that the food she blogs about is the food she cooks and indulges in everyday - Dishes filled with love, comfort and big flavours.

My recipe this month is one that is synonymous with my childhood, and one that I fell in love with all over again whilst sitting in a little restaurant down the back streets of Bordeaux (see here).

A universal recipe found on an American blog, cooked by an Australian and eaten in a French restaurant.  Somehow though I don't think the French called it Deviled Eggs!

The Secret Recipe Club:  Is a way to find and share new blogs.  Each month we are secretly assigned to another member of the club where we select a recipe to make, photograph and share on-line.