Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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FOCUS: November

Way back on New Year's Eve with a glass of bubbles in my hand, I set my objectives - goals - intentions for the year ahead by drawing Tarot or Angel cards.  To make me more focused and accountable throughout the year, I break them down to monthly objectives - goals - intentions.  A card for each month!


October Overview – The Facts


The card I had pulled out for October was the Page of Wands (see here).  Symbolising inspiration, ideas, discovery and limitless potential.


It was about me giving anything and everything a go and embracing the opportunity to start out on a new journey or project, wherever it took me.   Nothing was going to get in the way of my dreams!  

October Overview – The Reality

Hmmm.  When looking back over October, I feel like I did jack sh*t about the above. 

I found myself so scatter brained, switching between letting go of everything and simply resting (which is a good thing), to being manic and energetic.  I don’t feel I truly embraced any new opportunities, had much inspiration or started any new projects (apart from culling my wardrobe!).

What I will say though, as I’ve been working slowly away at creating and building my online biz for some time now, I feel like it’s really starting to see some traction.  Where once I was scared and too timid to chat about it – being sick and tired of having to justify my ideas/plans – now, I just don’t care, and I think that’s been a great big fat hurdle that I’ve finally crossed and I’m super happy about it.

So What’s In-store for Me in November – The Facts


The card I pulled out for November was the 8 of Pentacles.  Talent, energy, mastery and skill development.


This month is about working hard to improve my skills and become a master at what I do.  By being diligent and hard-working, I’m able to create success for myself, earning money in the future through the talents and skills I’m developing now.


This card is a positive sign that I am committed to making any changes needed to ensure I give myself the best possible chance.


However there is a warning - failure through laziness!


I’m excited and if I’m being honest, also a little hesitant about this card.  I’m excited because it’s exactly where I’m at right now – in building my biz, this sounds like I’ll have the motivation and ability to focus and work hard at it.  I’m hesitant as last month was meant to be an exciting and progressive month for me also, and I didn’t nothing with it.  I need to stay focused this month and not waste this opportunity!!!


November – My Plan Going Forward


Ok.  So to help keep me focused, motivated and inspired this month, I’m planning to:


Meditation | Continue with my daily meditations by Dr Joe Dispenza, as they put me in such a wonderful head space – keeping me motivated and in tune with myself.  I always feel lighter when I do his meditations.


Essential Oils |  I'm bringing the blend Motivation back into my life this month.  A blend of Roman Chamomile, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang and Lavender – to help overcome procrastination while promoting feelings of action and accomplishment.  Spearmint and Rosemary oils also are wonderful for helping with focus, and I'm also planning to throw Jasmine into the mix - for calming, centering and emotional balance.  It's an oil that brings pure happiness.


Schedule | I can work really well with a detailed/structured schedule, AND I can rebel and run screaming the other way.  My “hope” for this month is to schedule in some dedicated time slots throughout the week for working on my biz.  I need to keep them short and sharp and set the environment up to make me want to do it AND come back again and again.  Basically, re-establishing the habit.


Balance | I recently started back to Yin Yoga - a practice I love - helping bring more balance into my life.

Curious about what the past month was all about - see here