Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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asparagus + hollandaise



Thin green sticks filled with fibre, folate, potassium and vitamins A, C and K, helping to improve our digestion AND help lower blood pressure.


Did you know that it’s ranked among the top vegetables for its ability to reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals?


I’ve always been a card carrying asparagus fan, but the reason I’ve upped the ante lately is due to its rich vitamin k properties – the blood clotting vitamin. This is something I’ve recently had to look into as my blood platelets have plummeted.  REMEMBER – vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin so needs to be consumed with fat!


I’m also a big fan of its digestive support due to its high fibre and inulin content – a nutrient which doesn’t break down in our digestive tract, but instead passes undigested to our large intestines, where it becomes a food source for our good and healthy bacteria – helping us better absorption nutrients and lower our risk of allergies.


One last reason I’m loving asparagus at the moment – it’s high in vitamin B1 (Thiamine).  Thiamine helps our body convert carbs (sugar and starches) into energy – helping to support our metabolism and blood sugar levels and improve our energy levels.

How to cook asparagus


There are so many ways to cook asparagus from blanching in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes, to grilling or roasting. 


Before cooking, simply snap off the bottom inch or so of the stalk using your fingers; the stems will naturally break where the tough woody part ends and the tender stem begins.

One of my fav recipes . . .


For my hollandaise recipe - see here!