Focus: March



I can't believe that the time has come to pack away my goals and focus for February and to dive into March.


Feb was an interesting month for me as it was more about looking inwards than dealing with the practical.  I have no issue looking inwards, but it's definitely a lot harder to tick a box or reach any tangible goals.  In the end, I just have to go with my gut and with how I was feeling - trusting the process.


So what's my plan for March, I hear you ask?



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So you may remember that at the beginning of the year, instead of setting myself New Year Resolutions that I was bound to forget, fail at or simply ignore, I instead set myself monthly intentions.

Each month is different.

January was about setting my practical foundations for the year.

So what's my plan for February?



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January.  Being such a lover of all things Christmas, this month can be a little bit of a let down for me.  It's the month where I pack up the Christmas tree and twinkle lights (sob!).  It's the hottest month of the year (I'm so not a fan!), and it's not even close to my birthday month.


Normally, like most of us, I've set goals during January - mapping out the rest of my year.  Goals like new eating and exercise plans, which are usually happily forgotten about by February. 


So this year, I'm trying something a little different . . .




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Lifestyle TipsLeigh
5 Tips for Staying Grounded



The countdown has well and truly begun my friends, and if you’re anything like me, your living in an utter state of bliss surrounded by twinkling fairy lights, the smell of Christmas trees and general festive merriment.


So how can you stay grounded, balanced and centred during this time of year when you want or need to do everything and be everything for everyone? 



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Healing Foods Series



We focus so much (naturally) on the foods we’re letting go of – the negatives – in saying goodbye and feeling deprived, that we forget (or simply overlook) those wonderful foods we can still eat, and in fact, should be eating on a daily basis.  These foods are recommended to us for a reason as they help us heal.  They’re highly nutritious, delicious to boot and they nourish us from the inside out.


Want to know more . . .

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AIP: 7 Month Update



As I sit here typing this, I’ve just passed the 7 month mark of being on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).

Holy cow! 

My initial thought when I started this back in May was that I would aim for the 2-3 month mark, hoping 1 single month would be all I need before I felt on top of the world again.

Jeez….how wrong I was.....




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My Christmas AIP Treat eBook



As you know, I’m in the midst of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).  However, I have made the decision that living the AIP life over the festive season will not preclude me from all of its deliciousness.  I’m all about self care - not deprivation! 


So with this in mind,  I have a little present for you all.


I’m sharing with you a free little book of my favourite Christmassy AIP sweet treats to help see you (and me) through the festive season. 


Merry Christmas!



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Thyroid Health, AIP1Leigh
My AIP Pantry Staples



Thinking about beginning or just starting out on the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP)?


One of the most daunting tasks can simply be the clearing out and restocking of your pantry with “allowable” foods. 


Where do you even start?




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Lifestyle1, AIP1LeighLifestyle2
Leaky Gut + AIP Bounty Bars



Right at this moment in time, I’m in the “loving and healing my gut” mindset.


Basically, I’ve been following the AIP diet since the beginning of May this year, and even though I’ve definitely felt the positive benefits of it, I have also been dealing with a few set-backs due to gut inflammation.  Why and how this is happening, I may never know, but I’m on a mission.


So what is leaky gut?



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AIP: Egg Substitute



Are you looking for an effective AIP friendly egg substitute? 

An effective substitute for those of us either on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), or for those of you unable to tolerate chia seeds or flaxseeds. 

Well, I’m here to tell you that all is not lost.




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AIP, RecipeLeighPaleo5, AIP